Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management (CFAM) | Official Website of Indian Institute of Management,Lucknow
IIM Lucknow

Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management (CFAM)

From the very beginning, IIML’s vision was to prepare young dynamic managers and entrepreneurs for improving the performance of both corporate and the non-corporate sector like agriculture. With a view to exclusively fulfil this commitment, the Institute established the Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management (CFAM) in the year 1998. CFAM has grown into a global level Centre of excellence in the field of agribusiness & food management. The Centre strives to accelerate the professional management of agricultural and other rural resources by integrating business with farming.

The main aims of the Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management are:

  • To generate knowledge for efficient management of food and agribusiness sector by preparing young dynamic graduates and entrepreneurs;
  • To impart high level practical training supported by field based research through effective linkages between national & international academic institutions as well as organizations and agencies; and
  • To offer consultancy to national & international organizations in the field of agriculture and rural management.

Major Activities of CFAM


The Post Graduate Program in Agribusiness Management (PGP-ABM) is a full time two years residential management education programme focusing on the food & agribusiness sector, commenced during 2004-05. The Programme with a strong international orientation is open to university and college graduates having affinity with the agriculture and farm sector.

Our PGP-ABM has following innovative features:

  • A Foundation Course on Agriculture and Allied Sector for students with non-agricultural education background.
  • A significant number of foundation courses in the functional areas of management in the first year blended with agricultural/ rural context specific courses in the second year.
  • Significant field exposure to give hands-on experience and action orientation.
  • Global benchmarking through international exchange programme and industry partnership.

The Post Graduate Program in Agribusiness Management (PGP-ABM)

The Post Graduate Program in Agribusiness Management (PGP-ABM) is a full time two years residential management education programme focusing on the food & agribusiness sector. The Programme with a strong international orientation, is open to university and college graduates having affinity with the agriculture and farm sector.

Innovative features

  • A four week intensive foundation programme for students with non-agricultural education background.
  • A significant number of foundation courses in the functional areas of management in the first year blended with agricultural/rural context specific courses in the second year.
  • Significant field exposure to give hands-on experience and action orientation.
  • Global bench-marking and industry partnership.


CFAM undertakes fundamental and innovative research projects for impacting management of agribusiness and food industry, domestic as well as global. The Centre has established strong linkages with national and international institutes in the field of agribusiness and food. It has undertaken a number of collaborative research projects.


The Centre conducts a wide variety of short-duration training programmes both for public and private sector for providing necessary attitude and skills to policy and business decision makers from India and abroad. A number of training programmes has been organised for the participants from Asian and African countries on agribusiness and rural development.


Consulting is one of the major activity of the Centre, undertaken to solve the problems of various corporate and non-corporate agribusiness and food organization in the country and abroad. ABM undertakes Consulting projects in the areas of monitoring & evaluation and impact assessment of projects spread across various fields; rural marketing; agricultural trade; commodity trading & future markets; micro-finance and micro-credit; agribusiness management education; farmer market linkages; supply chain management etc. The Centre has provided consultancy to the World Bank; ICAR; Ministry of Agriculture (GOI); Department of Science & Technology (GOI); and many state governments.

The Centre has taken up a number of consultancy assignments related to:

  • U.P. Diversified Agriculture Support Project (DSAP-UP).
  • Diversified Agriculture Support Project – Uttaranchal – DSAP-UP.
  • National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP), ICAR.
  • Integrated Watershed Development Project (IWDP-II) in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agriculture Support Project (ASIASP) in Assam.
  • National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), ICAR