"Good practice flows from strong theory" – this is the credo of the Post Graduate Program (PGP) at IIM Lucknow.
The Post Graduate Programme is designed to develop professional managers with strong conceptual fundamentals and skills required to manage businesses of the future, while giving them the vision to determine what the future will be.
This program is a two year, full time, residential program. The students meeting the program requirements are awarded the degree of Master of Business Administration.
Objectives of the Programme are
- To develop an understanding of the key functions of businesses
- To develop critical and analytical skills that equip students to excel in complex, uncertain and dynamic business environments
- To enable application of business knowledge in a global context
- To acquire skills and capabilities for generating sustainable competitive advantage in organizations
- To equip students with skills and ethics that promote organizational well-being and ideal corporate citizenship
- To lay the foundation of an entrepreneurial mind-set and continued learning for future ready leaders

"Learning that is redundant is no longer knowledge. That is why IIM Lucknow continuously updates the courses it offers. In so doing, it allows the students to keep abreast with the latest developments and techniques in management.
This institute follows a case-based teaching methodology. By giving students a glimpse of situations faced in the real world, we help them find patterns in what initially looks random. The result? An individual who can not only respond to any unstructured situation, but also one who revels in the exercise.
Fully enabled lecture theatres, with state-of-the-art audio-visual tools help our students present all aspects of a study. Regular presentations help them to become both knowledgeable individuals and persuasive speakers.
The global business arena is in the midst of a metamorphosis – the final result can only be conjectured at. But one thing is certain – whatever tomorrow is, the students of IIM Lucknow will build it. Their knowledge is not static – and in an environment where one often has to run hard to stand still, this institute prides itself of the fact that its students walk confidently ahead of the rest.
The characteristic features of the Post Graduate Programme are as follows :
- The programme is designed as an integrated whole to generate maximum synergy among its components.
- The emphasis is on internalization of knowledge rather than mere acquisition.
- The emphasis is on internalization of knowledge rather than mere acquisition.
- Sensitization and capacity to deal with environmental influences are stressed, both as a means of enhancing organisational well-being as well as promoting good corporate and professional citizenship.
- A high degree of training with the use of emerging managerial tools and technologies is imparted to the students.
- The programme aims at generating among the students the capability of 'learning to learn' in recognition of the importance of continued learning for a successful managerial career.
- The programme endeavours to nurture a social system which is conducive for inculcating the value system appropriate for a professional manager in the Indian context.
Accordingly, a combination of appropriate instructional methodologies is employed depending on the nature of the course. The basket of teaching methods employed includes lectures, case discussions, exercises, seminars, role plays, management games, assignments, term papers, project work, audio-visual aids, and computer-based learning methods.
Academic Evaluation
The academic performance evaluation system is viewed as a means to promote learning process, and is designed to assess the ability of the student to apply knowledge for problem-solving and increasing organisational effectiveness. The evaluation is a continuous process based on assignments, quizzes, project work, seminar presentation, viva-voce, mid-term test and final examination.
A ten-point grading scale with corresponding letter grades is used as follows:
Letter Grade | A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D | F |
Grade Point | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
The Term Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average are computed in each term as the credit-weighted averages of individual grades in and up to each term respectively. The academic criteria for continuation in the programme, promotion to Second Year, and award of diploma, are specified in the PGP Manual which lays down the policies and procedures governing the programme. The Manual is given to all students at the time of registration at the beginning of the academic session.
- Chairman's Gold Medal is awarded to the graduating student who ranks first in academic performance in the Post Graduate Programme.
- Director's Medal is awarded to the graduating student who ranks second in academic performance.
- PGP Chairman's Medal is awarded to the graduating student who ranks third in academic performance.
These medals are awarded to the students subject to their acquiring minimum specified standards of scholastic excellence.
The curriculum is designed to impart knowledge and skills considered essential for managers to operate successfully in the increasingly dynamic and complex environment. It sharpens and deepens the student's understanding at different levels:
The individual in the organisational setting; The environmental context of the organisation; The dynamics of organisational functioning; and The analytical tools and techniques required in the management of organisation effectively Understanding the interdependent nature of organisational dynamics and its managerial implications is the basic thrust of the curriculum. It helps the student acquire conceptual and analytical abilities required for making and implementing managerial decisions effectively.
The First Year academic work, spread over three terms, is a compulsory package of 22 foundation (core) courses designed to provide basic knowledge of concepts, tools and techniques in various functional areas and relevant disciplines.
The two-month compulsory Summer Training in industrial and business organisations follows the first year course work. The summer training is aimed at providing exposure to the real life working environment. Students are required to work on specific, time-bound organisation related assignments.
The Second Year academic work, spread over three terms, comprises two compulsory courses of integrative nature along with a package of 15 elective courses of advanced and applied nature. These provide students the opportunity to develop in depth understanding and concentration in the areas of their special interest. The students can also take up to two Courses of Independent Study (CIS) as elective, or one Dissertation Project which is equivalent to two elective courses spread over Term-V and Term-VI.
The entire package of courses is regularly reviewed, modified, updated and augmented keeping in view the industry requirements, latest developments in the specific subject areas and changes in the social and geo-political scenario that impinge on the management practices.
Finance & Accounting
Financial Reporting and Analysis:
This course is meant to serve the following objectives:
- Making sense of the contents of Annual Report and Understanding the financial statements.
- Understanding the logical framework behind preparation of financial statements.
- Understanding the managerial discretions in preparing financial reports.
- Analyzing and interpreting financial statements to decipher economic substance subsumed in them.
Management Accounting:
The course is designed:
- To provide an understanding of the basic elements, concepts, and systems of cost accounting.
- To develop the ability to understand, analyze, and use cost information in managerial decision making.
Financial Management:
Every decision that a firm makes has a financial management component to it and the course attempts to stress the need for adequacy, appropriateness and responsiveness of such decisions. The Purpose of the course is to:
- Provide students with comprehensive knowledge of core finance theories and models.
- Provide a strong theoretical and analytical base that is grounded in real world application using cases and exercises. Among the topics covered in the course are: Investment Decisions, Financing Decisions, Dividend Decisions, Risk and Return, Working Capital Management, Lease/Hire Purchase and Financial Derivatives.
- Develop analytical and critical thinking skills of students in financial decision making and make use of spreadsheets in financial modeling.
- Recognize and resolve social and ethical issues and agency costs in Strategic financial decision making.
- Enhance communication skills through case analysis, written reports and presentations.
Human Resource Management
Behaviour in Organisation:
This course is designed to:
- Provide a strong conceptual understanding of the behavior of people in organizations.
- Develop students' abilities to understand individual and group behavior within organizations.
- Impart organizational behavior theories and frameworks, which can be applied for thinking and reasoning about the dynamics of organizational situations.
- Provide opportunities to practice the use of these conceptual frameworks through their application to organizational problems.
Serve as a foundation for other courses in the Behavioral Sciences domain.
Designing Work Organization:
This course is designed to:
- Provide a strong conceptual understanding of how the theories and findings of organisational and behavioural sciences are applied to designing work organisations.
- Impart theories and frameworks to examine the reciprocal relationship between the organisational characteristics (e.g. environment, structure, strategies, system, culture etc) and managerial behavior.
- Develop students' abilities to devise strategies for bringing about effective change, learning and development in work organisations throughout their life-cycle.
- Provide opportunities to practice the use of these conceptual frameworks through their application to organizational problems.
Human Resource Management:
The course would attempt to provide a strategic perspective to the student helping them understand how HR can perform a more proactive role in the organization contributing to the organizational objectives. Special emphasis would be laid on providing analysis and understanding of the various HR processes and systems suggesting changes required.
- To help students develop an appreciation of various issues related to effective and efficient management of human resources and conditions under which management and union works.
- To help them understand the role of HRM as an integrated and strategic business process.
- To familiarize the students with different tools and techniques associated with managing and developing people.
- Building necessary HRM competencies to effectively manage and lead
Decision Sciences
Quantitative Analysis for Management - I:
This course, the first in the series, is designed to develop a familiarity with the application of quantitative techniques in managerial problem solving and decision making. The course is offered with three primary objectives. These are:
- To provide an introduction to the availability and use of some of these techniques;
- To maximize the value of the informational content of the final solution; and
- To alert the management students to assumptions inherent in each one of these techniques and the resulting limitations.
Quantitative Analysis for Management - II:
The principal objectives of this course are:
- To develop an appreciation of the problems that can be approached statistically,
- To acquaint the students with various tools and techniques of statistical analyses,
- To develop an understanding of these tools and techniques, and,
- To develop a general awareness of the applicability and limitations of these statistical methods.
The various statistical methods will be illustrated by examples from the business and management areas. At the end of the course the students are expected to develop a statistical thinking towards decision making and to learn to use as an aid to decision making.
Quantitative Analysis for Management - III:
In this course it is intended
- To give an appreciation of the problems that can be approached through basic O.R. methods
- To familiarizes the students with the various O.R. techniques available
- To develop an understanding of the mechanics of those techniques, and
- To develop a general awareness of the applicability and limitations of O.R. methods and techniques
Business Environment
Managerial Economics:
This course attempts to give students the fundamental tools of analysis and of decision making at the micro level and examines the ways by which these could profitably be employed in the context of managerial decision making. At the end of the course, students are expected to have a clear and thorough understanding of basic economic principles governing firms and households. Teaching of the course is done with the help of numerous applications to illustrate the use of theory and to reinforce the students' understanding of it.
Macroeconomic Environment:
The course intends to create adequate understanding of important macroeconomic concepts, tools and theories among management students. It integrates theory with policy making in business and government in order to help understand the current Indian and global economic climate and develops expertise to learn how to apply economic concepts to a variety of real-world events.
- To expose the students to the fundamental principles and issues of macroeconomic theory
- To explore the relationship between macroeconomic theory and policy formulation
- To enable application of macroeconomic tools and techniques in anticipating changes in the macroeconomic environment that will help in taking effective business decisions with specific reference to Indian economy
Indian Economy:
The major objectives of the course are:
- To facilitate students to acquire in-depth understanding of the economy of India and to gain critical insights into itscompetitiveness in the global market place.
- To examine sector-specific policies and their impacts on shaping environment that surrounds businesses within thecountry.
- To create adequate understanding of pros and cons of the economic reforms initiated since 1991 and highlight majorpolicy debates that followed the reform process in India.
- To help gather deeper understanding of the performance of Indian economy in comparison to that of the leadingemerging economies in the east and south-east Asia.
Agribusiness Management
Foundation Course in Agriculture & Allied Sciences:
The course will expose students to various concepts and terminology of agriculture and allied life sciences so as to enable them appreciate business intricacies and intra-sectoral linkages of business decisions in agribusiness management. The purpose of this course is to:
- Provide students with a basic understanding of various crop cultivation practices and inputs needed in the production of agricultural commodities, fundamental structure and reproductive features of crop
- Provide students with a basic understanding of disease and pests, farm mechanization, functioning of agricultural markets and its linkage with agri-business
- To also familiarize the students with the farm planning and information retrieval systems leading to efficient farm management practices.
- To apprise the students of importance of agri-business in current national and global agriculture scenario
Agribusiness Environment - I:
In today's dynamic economic environment, effective managerial decision making requires timely and efficient decisions compatible with the prevailing environment. The objective of this course is to develop capacity of students to analyze and understand agribusiness environment. This course will help students to.
- Provide students basic understanding of agribusiness environment.
- Development of capacity of students to analyze agribusiness environment.
- Develop capacity of students to understand implications of changed regulatory policies and macro parameters of economies on opportunities and constraints of agribusiness sector
Agribusiness Environment - II:
The objective of this course is to develop capacity of students to analyze and understand agribusiness environment. This course will help students to.
- Provide students basic understanding of agribusiness environment.
- Development of capacity of students to analyze agribusiness environment.
- Develop capacity of students to understand implications of changed regulatory policies and macro parameters of economies on opportunities and constraints of agribusiness sector
Communication for Management:
Executives in the present day business world are not only highly skilled but also more articulate. This skill-based course has been designed keeping in view the following objectives:
- Explain management communication concepts and dimensions.
- Assist in improving communication skills:
- Receptive skills (listening and reading)
- Expressive skills (speaking and writing)
- Introduce analytical writing techniques
- Hone up oral communication skills by project presentations
Written Executive Communication:
- To appreciate the importance of various nuances involved in the analytical writing process from an organizational communication point of view
- To sharpen their learning to be responsive to the requirements of different audiences, situations and purposes
- To present to them myriad ways of writing a document depending on the context and the audience
- To provide developmental feedback on their writing through various assignments conducted in the class
Marketing Management - I:
The objective of this course is to develop the students' analytical skills, conceptual abilities and substantive knowledge in the field of marketing management. It seeks to achieve the stated objectives by helping the participants undergo meaningful exercises in decision making in a variety of real life marketing situations.
Marketing Management - II:
The objective of this course is to develop the students' analytical skills, conceptual abilities and substantiveknowledge in the field of marketing management. It seeks to achieve the stated objectives by helping theparticipants undergo meaningful exercises in decision making in a variety of real life marketing situations.
Information Technology & Systems
Information Technology Concepts:
Enabling managers to understand and apply:
- Problem Solving and Decision Making using Excel
- Managing a spreadsheet development project
Management Information Systems:
- To provide an understanding of strategic role of information systems and the issues relating to information technology strategy in organizations.
- To provide an understanding of how technology can be used to enhance other disciplines such as marketing, finance, HR and operations
- To provide an understanding of how information systems can be used to generate business value
Operations Management
Operations Management:
This course on Operations Management has been designed with the following broad objectives:
- To provide an understanding of different manufacturing and service organizations, and awareness of Operations Management as a major functional area of management.
- To acquaint students with different tools, techniques and methodologies used for analysis, design and improvement of various sub-functions involved in Operations Management.
- To give insight into the nature of relationships between various factors of Production/Operations Management, and relate them to system output.
- To equip graduates with practical approaches to the application of quantitative and qualitative analysis and studies, for diagnosing and improving the functioning of the operation(s).
Supply Chain Management:
The course is designed with the following objectives:
- To acquaint students with all relevant activities associated with the Supply Chain Management and its role in business.
- To familiarize students with quantitative and computer based approaches to Material Planning & Control, together with their practical applications and limitations.
- To make students aware of contemporary approaches to designing and managing Supply Chain systems.
Legal Management
Legal Aspects in Management:
The course has been designed to:
- Explain the role of law in business management;
- Elucidate business-legal relationships with a particular focus on regulation of business;
- Impart knowledge about legal issues in contract management; corporate management, environment management and intellectual property management.
- Explain legal processes involved in the company incorporation and its management;
- Examine the role and responsibilities of company administration and management
- Analyze through various cases about the judicial approaches towards business regulations, management and practices
- Apprise with the current legal and regulatory issues in national and international business through case studies and assignments;
- Develop an interest and curiosity for understanding role of law in management and inculcate amongst students a sense of responsibility to comply with laws and duty to return to society and environment.
Strategic Management
Strategic Management - I:
The objectives of the course are:
- Provide an understanding of
- What is strategy
- Content and process of strategic management
- Firm's operative environment and how to sustain competitive advantage
- In particular, familiarize the participants about
- Some of the well-known frameworks for analyzing industry structure and competitive choices
- Help develop
- An integrated view of all functional areas of management
- A general management orientation
- Analytical and conceptual skills in analyzing, formulating and implementing corporate strategy
Strategic Management - II:
The objectives of the course are:
- Provide an understanding of
- Analytical and conceptual skills in analyzing, formulating and implementing strategy
- Content and process of strategic management
- Firm's operative environment and how to sustain competitive advantage
- In particular, familiarize the participants with
- Some of the well-known frameworks used in strategy implementation
- Strategy issues related to managing technology and knowledge as well as social responsibility, corporate governance, leadership & culture
- Help develop an integrated view of all functional areas of management with a general management orientation
General Management
Human Values & Responsible Citizenship:
Module 1: Gender Sensitization:
Gender Sensitization entails changing behavior and instilling empathy into the views that we hold about our own and the other genders. This module should help participants in examining their personal attitudes and beliefs, and questioning them as well as understand how to interact with and leverage differences on account of gender
Module 2: Good Citizen:
Good Citizen is one who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen. These entail, though not necessarily limited to, loyalty to country, standing up for what they believe in, responsible to their community, etc. The purpose would be to understand how duty based citizenship differs from engaged citizenship. It could also touch upon the role of the millennials in to nation building.
Human Values & Responsible Citizenship:
Module 3: Civic Sense:
Civic Sense is all about having consideration for a fellow human being. It means being polite; showing consideration to elderly, women, children and disabled people; driving in one's lane without honking; throwing one's garbage in dustbins; smoking only at designated places etc
Module 4: Work-Life Balance:
Work Life Balance is a concept including the proper prioritization between work (career and ambition) and lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, family).This is more about a self-regulation process that facilitates balancing the engagement with changing work conditions, family situations and self-time activities. The students need to be sensitized about the consequences of both the work intruding on time outside work as well as home related matters spilling into the workplace. In a technology dominant era, managing gadget free time is equally important. Sometimes, leaders at senior positions have been found to be over obsessed with work and expect the team to follow them. Young leaders should realize that even if they cannot manage work-life balance themselves, they should facilitate their team in keeping the balance.
Human Values & Responsible Citizenship:
Module 5: Responsibility:
Responsibility towards institution, each other, self is about what do we owe each other and to our institution. Actions taken by people as individuals and managers may have both positive and negative outcomes. Often the implications may be positive for one set of people and negative for another. Thus, while doing good to one part of society, they may be harming others. The challenge is to view the situation at hand logically and do what is right given the context / situation rather than viewing it from one perspective or the other and choosing a right vs. another right. They must be made aware that it is not about circulating a document or office order, but an attitude and role modeling by individuals which imparts credibility.
Module 6: Basic Etiquette:
Basic etiquette refers to Respect, kindness, and consideration form the basis of good manners and good citizenship. Etiquette becomes the language of manners. Rules of etiquette cover behavior in talking, acting, living, and moving; in other words, every type of interaction and every situation.The purpose is to sensitize students to appropriate behavior and interaction – written, spoken and gestures / body language. Written would pertain to office memos as well as electronic communication. Spoken would pertain to usage of appropriate words.Gestures would be about eye contact, fidgeting while speaking, maintaining personal space while interacting.
PGP-II (2019-20)
Marketing |
Finance and Accounting |
Strategic Management |
Human Resource Management |
Operations Management |
IT and Systems |
Business Environment |
Communication |
Decision Sciences |
General Management |
Academic Calender 2019-20 | |||
PGP-II | Registration | June 10, 2019 | (Mon) |
Term-IV | Classes Begin Mid-Term Exams End Term Exams Term Break Field work course for PGP-ABM |
June 11, 2019 July 16-21, 2019 Aug 26-31, 2019 Sept 01-08, 2019 Sept 02-08, 2019 |
(Tue) (Tue-Sun) (Mon-Sat) (Sun-Sun) (Mon-Sun) |
Term-V | Registration/ classes begin Mid-Term Exams End-Term Exams Experiential Learning(Outbound) Term break |
Sept 09, 2019 Oct 28-Nov 03, 2019 Dec 16-22, 2019 Dec 23-29, 2019 Dec 23-29, 2019 |
(Mon) (Mon-Sun) (Mon-Sun) (Mon-Sun) (Mon-Sun) |
Term-VI | Registration/ classes begin End-Term Exams Convocation |
Dec 30, 2019 Feb 24-29, 2020 March 21, 2020 |
(Mon) (Mon-Sat) (Sat) |
PGP-I | Preparatory Course in Mathematics Exams- Preparatory Course Induction Module |
June 11-22, 2019 June 23, 2019 June 24-25, 2019 |
(Tue-Sat) (Sun) (Mon-Tue) |
Term-I | Registration Section & Roll Number(Prep) Classes Begin Mid-Term Exams End-Term Exams Term Break |
June 26-27, 2019 June 28, 2019 June 29, 2019 Aug 03-06, 2019 Sept 11-15, 2019 Sep 16-22, 2019 |
(Wed-Thu) (Fri) (Sat) (Sat-Tue) (Wed-Sun) (Mon-Sun) |
Term-II | Registration Classes Begin Mid-Term Exams End-Term Exams Term Break |
Sept 23, 2019 Sept 23, 2019 Nov 07-09, 2019 Dec 23-28, 2019 Dec 29, 2019- Jan 05, 2020 |
(Mon) (Mon) (Thu-Sat) (Mon-Sat) (Sun-Sun) |
Term-III | Registration Classes Begin Mid-Term Exams Convocation End-Term Exams |
Jan 06, 2020 Jan 06, 2020 Feb 16-19, 2020 March 21, 2020 Mar 26-31, 2020 |
(Mon) (Mon) (Sun-Wed) (Sat) (Thu-Tue) |
- The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA
- (45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) category) awarded by any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
- The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be calculated based on the practice followed by the university/institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case the candidates are awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the university/ institution from where they have obtained the bachelor’s degree. In case the university/ institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidate’s CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
- Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply. If selected, such candidates will be allowed to join the programme provisionally, only if she/he submits a certificate latest by June 30, 2025 from the Principal/Registrar of her/his College/Institute (issued on or before June 30, 2025) stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification on the date of the issue of the certificate.
- IIMs may verify eligibility at various stages of the selection process, the details of which are provided at the website www.iimcat.ac.inApplicants should note that the mere fulfilment of minimum eligibility criteria will not ensure consideration for short listing by IIMs. Prospective candidates must maintain a valid and unique email account and a phone number throughout the
Sr No. Subject Download 1. selection process Size: 106 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 30/07/2024 Click here to View
List of Equivalent Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology (4 years after 10+2/Post B.Sc./Post Diploma ) or B.E/B.Tech equivalent examinations, of Professional Societies, recognized by MoE/UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by Institution of Engineers -India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil Engineers India).
- Any Qualification recognized by Association of Indian Universities New Delhi, which is equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree awarded by UGC recognized University/Institutions.
- Cases not covered above equivalency certificate to be produced from Association of Indian Universities New Delhi.
- As per the Government of India requirements, 15% of the seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) and 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates. 27% of seats are reserved for Other Backward Classes candidates belonging to the “Non-Creamy” layer (NC-OBC). Up to 10% of the seats are reserved for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) candidates. 5% for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwD).
- For an updated central list of state – wise OBCs eligible for availing the benefit of reservation and information in respect of the creamy layer, visit the website http://www.ncbc.nic.in
- In case of NC – OBC category, the castes included in Central List (available at http://www.ncbc.nic.in) of NC – OBC by the National Commission of Backward Classes, Government of India as on last day of registration will be used. Any subsequent changes will not be effective for CAT 2024.
- As defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act 2016), “person with benchmark disability” means a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
“specified disability” means the disabilities as specified in the Schedule of the RPwD Act 2016. - blindness and low vision,
- deaf and hard of hearing,
- locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy,
- autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness, and
- multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d).
- other ‘specified disabilities’ mentioned in ‘The Schedule’ of the RPwD Act 2016.
The categories of disability are:
- The candidates belonging to categories for which seats are reserved need to note and read the eligibility requirements carefully before applying. It should be noted that while it is the endeavour of IIMs that the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD/Non – Creamy OBC/EWS categories join the Programme in proportions mandated by the law, they have to meet the minimum eligibility criteria and a certain minimum level of performance in the admission process.
- The candidates should read carefully the description of admission process followed by each IIM on their respective websites. No change in the category will be entertained after the closure of registration window. Hence, applicants are advised to give attention while registering.
Sr No. | Subject | Download |
1. | Policy Size: 198 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 30/07/2024 | Click here to View |
The CAT advertisement usually appears in the National dailies in the month of July or August.
Common Admission Test is a computer-based test (CBT). For more details about CAT, visit www.iimcat.ac.in
Candidates are shortlisted for the interview on the basis of their performance in the CAT, scholastic achievement and relevant work experience. Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI) are then conducted at Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, New Delhi and Hyderabad in the end of February onward. Final selection is based on performance in CAT, scholastic achievement, work experience, and performance in the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI).
Sr. | Activities | Timelines |
1 | Release of Advertisement | 28th July 2024 (Sunday) |
2 | Online Registration for CAT | 01st August 2024 to 13th September 2024, 05:00 PM |
3 | Admit Card Download Window | 05th November 2024 to 24th November 2024 |
4 | Exam Date | 24th November 2024 (Sunday) |
5 | Release of the CAT Result | Second week of January 2025 (Tentative) |
Demand Draft
Online Transfer
To create world class professionals, it is important for them to be exposed to the world. The culture and economic differences between the developed and developing world are too vast to be simply taught in a classroom – it is only by immersing oneself in foreign lands that one learns to appreciate them.
Hence the IIM Lucknow International Exchange Programme initiative – a process through which our students do a part of their studies in Business Schools all around the world. At the same time, foreign students and teachers come to IIM Lucknow to understand the working and mindset of one of the potentially largest markets in the world.
Sr No. | Subject | Download |
1. | International Student Exchange Programme – Application Form (Incoming students) Size: 75 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 18/04/2019 | Click here to View |
2. | Fact Sheet 2019-20 Size: 429 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 18/04/2019 | Click here to View |
Sr No. | Subject | Download |
1. | Fee structure- PGP & PGP ABM, Batch of 2022 - 2024 Size: 692 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 29/7/2022 | Click here to View |
2. | Fee structure- PGP & PGP ABM, Batch of 2021 - 2023 Size: 663 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 25/05/2021 | Click here to View |
3. | Fee structure- PGP & PGP ABM, Batch of 2020 - 2022 Size: 41.0 KB | Lang: English | Uploading Date: 04/06/2020 | Click here to View |
Financial Assistance
The objective of the Institute's Financial Assistance Schemes is to provide adequate financial aid opportunities, so that no student is prevented from pursuing the programme due to financial constraints. The schemes presently available are:
Need Based IIML Scholarships:
The institute has instituted a need based scholarship for students based on family income. Any student, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion whose total annual gross family income (self, parents, spouse) falls in the eligibility criteria can apply for the same.
The eligibility criteria and disbural criteria would be announced post the admissions. The scholarship is for a period of one year (and no auto renewal is applicable). The disbursal is done term wise, and is subject to completion of academic requirements of the term.
No student can avail more than one scholarship.
Students can avail various other scholarships instituted by various Central Government, State Governments and other bodies for higher studies. Details regarding the same are available on The National Scholarship Portal or NSP - http://www.scholarships.gov.in and the respective State Government portals etc.
Fee Payment Options
Demand Draft:
Online Transfer:
PGP Administration
Prof.Suresh Kumar Jakhar Chairperson, PGP +91-522-6696678 pgpchair[at]iiml[dot]ac[dot]in -
PGP Office +91-522-6696752, +91-522-6696753 pgpoffice[at]iiml[dot]ac[dot]in
Indian Institute of Management
Prabandh Nagar, IIM Road, Lucknow-226013 Uttar Pradesh, India
CAMPUS EPABX | 0522-2734101, 2734111-20 0522 6696001 |
FAX | 2734005 (Dir. Off.), 2734025 (GEN.), |
ISD CODE | 91 |
STD CODE | 522 |
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