IIM Lucknow, as a host institution has created L- incubator at its Noida campus to nurture entrepreneurial talent. It has put up excellent physical, professional, knowledge and network resources to provide services to knowledge-based entrepreneurs who will generate wealth & employment consistent with Start-Up India mission of the Country.
IIM Lucknow Enterprise Incubation Centre is a not for profit organization, registered as a section 25 company with its trademark L-Incubator. It was established with an objective to nurture high-performance start-ups, especially in the fields of Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, Industrial IoT, Digital Healthcare, Cloud Services, Virtual Reality, and 3D Printing.
To know more, please visit http://www.iimlincubator.com/.

Prof. Ashish Dubey | |
Managing Director, L-Incubator |